Benefits of Being a Full-Time Real Estate Agent In New York City

full time spiralny agent

In recent years, more and more people are entering the real estate profession on a part-time basis. While working part-time in real estate is possible, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best idea. Like any other profession, finding success in real estate requires a good deal of your time and effort. Being able to only contribute some of your time will make it difficult for an agent to see substantial earnings.

At SPiRALNY, we’re always open to finding agents willing to work hard towards building clientele and closing deals. However, from our experience, agents that can work on a full-time basis tend to have the most fruitful careers in real estate. Here are a few of the reasons why we at SPiRALNY encourage our agents to be full time.

SPiRALNY’s Full-Time Agents Are More Committed

There is a common misconception that real estate agents put in a few hours a week, show a property, and collect a check. This couldn’t be further from the truth- especially in a real estate market as competitive as New York City. There are over 30,000 real estate agents in Manhattan alone. This means agents must put a ton of time into simply marketing themselves to potential clients. 

Then, once an agent starts acquiring clients, they must spend a substantial amount of time closing the deal. This includes conducting open houses, negotiating, and taking care of paperwork and contracts. 

Putting only 20 hours or so a week simply isn’t enough to carry out all the job entails. Further, at SPiRALNY, we expect our agents to not only take care of these tasks but to do it well. This is the main reason we encourage our SPiRALNY agents to be full time- our clients deserve an agent who is fully committed. 

full time real estate agent schedule

Part-Time Agents Need More Help

The major downfall of working part-time in real estate is that your schedule is limited. This is especially the case for those working in real estate as a second job, or those who have families to attend to. This becomes a problem because as a real estate agent, you ultimately must work around the schedule of the client. If you’re unable to do so, you will need to ask other agents to fill in for you when a client insists upon a meeting time you can’t make.

At SPiRALNY, we encourage our agents to be a helping hand to one another. However, if you constantly need other agents to help you out, you are taking away from time that could be dedicated to their own clients. This also tends to hurt your own business, as some agents will expect compensation for filling in for you. 

SPiRALNY’s Full-Time Agents Earn Higher Commissions

Overall, we want to see all of our agents at SPiRALNY taking home substantial commission checks. In one of the hottest real estate markets in the world, there is unlimited earning potential for agents, especially when working full time. SPiRALNY’s full-time agents are able to not only give their full time and attention to their clients but are able to handle more than one client at once, allowing to enjoy multiple commission checks. 

full time real estate agent commission check


The beauty of real estate is that it is possible for anyone with ambition and the right attitude to do well. However, it does require a great deal of your time and hard work to see considerable results.

If you are looking to begin your full-time career in real estate, or simply are looking for a new brokerage, reach out to SPiRALNY to discuss opportunities we have available. 

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Written by blog_spiralny